FREE Summer Event

Jul 5, 2022

Dear Ones

During the summer months I am spending time in Germany to escape the blazing heat of Arizona. During that time, I’m not offering my regular treatments, but I would like to connect with as many of you as possible.

To do so, and maybe enhance your lovely summer with some more juice, I am inviting you to a series of 2-3 30 minutes coaching sessions – FREE of course! Your contribution will be presence, an openness to look at your life, your dreams, your challenges, and your gifts.

These meetings will be held on Zoom, FaceTime, Skype or WhatsApp – whatever will work best for you.

Please go to my website where you can book “The FREE Summer Coaching Event”.

For the first session please give me your preferred days and times. Please note that the time window for Pacific Time is in the morning till noon and for Eastern Time till 3PM.

I am so excited and am looking forward to hearing from you.

With LOVE,


Register For Your Free Session Now

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